
Shape your body for summer

Summer is knocking at the door, the vacations are already planned and you want to look and feel your best. So read on for a few tips to contribute to your success this summer.



I can’t stress this enough: no matter the season, regular exfoliation should always be part of a healthy skin regimen. As long as you don’t suffer from sensitive skin, exfoliation will bring many benefits that’ll make your skin glow.



For increased protection from the hazards of the UV rays, consider protecting yourself on both the outside and the inside by eating proper food. This summer, add tomatoes to your recipes, preferably cooked, to achieve greater levels of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps to fight the redness, swelling and blistering of sunburn. Try to fill your dishes with greens, reds and purples. A proper diet will also help you to lose those extra kilos and the potential edema the heat may cause.  


The Plague of Cellulite

There are a few products out there that are able to smooth out the unevenness and dents of cellulite, but sadly, the effects are fleeting, and none, no matter what the package says, will get rid of cellulite forever. However they might be worth trying for a special day at the pool, beach or even a special event. If you want to tackle cellulite on a long-term basis, there are no shortcuts, the only solution is regular exercise and the occasional targeted massage.


Remember your feet

Your feet have been inside the smooth cocoon of your boots all winter, but now it’s time for them to face the uncertainties of the great outdoors. Maybe it’s time for a pedicure or, if you are short on time, a daily care session with a moisturizing cream to make sure they are ready for those sunny days ahead.


Say goodbye to your Muffin Top

Consider a non-invasive procedure to tackle the extra fat on those stubborn areas like your muffin top and love handles. Beware though, before engaging in these types of procedures make sure your doctor is properly trained and that you possess complete knowledge about any possible side-effects. With the proper procedure, the results can be amazing.


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