Live • Laugh • Love
I started typing up this column on a completely different subject, but I began again from scratch because this topic is just what’s in my heart right now, (and of course, so I can try to justify missing my filing deadline). I was going to dedicate this column to a dear chef friend of mine, as I really admire him for his perseverance and creativity in pioneering the cuisine that he is known for, but I think I will have to save that for my next column (Patience is a virtue!).
While I was looking through interview notes and photos of his culinary journey, I very naturally picked up and snuggled my cut-out stuff cushion of Copper, my sweetheart godson of a French Bulldog. I’ve been hugging this cushion and given it thousands of kisses ever since it was gifted to me by my friends Adelina and Alberto (Copper’s owners) a few days before they all relocated abroad.
I couldn’t help but hold the cushion close just for a second and gaze at this most adorable furry face. And then I saw this blurred reflection in his eyes — there they were, my two friends trying to get the best head shot of Copper to create this cushion. And in the background was none other than the cafe that Copper was the “PR Director” of — Quarter Square in Old Taipa Village.
This coffee shop was opened with the intention of introducing chic, upscale interior designer-brand home decorations to Macau. It was a one-of-a-kind in many ways, and for me, it was the closest thing to Central Perk I could find in Macau. Every weekend you’d find me lounging there sipping on a cappuccino or Thai tea latte, while casually conversing and making jokes with my best of friends in that little space.

And then along came Copper; a wrinkly, furry stud of a baby Frenchie with very disproportionate bunny-ears, and a passion for nibbling anything that was expensive on your body: new pairs of heels or sneakers, designer necklaces and accessories. There was even the time when a Japanese family came to the coffee shop and their baby dropped his cartoon pacifier on the floor. Little Copper snatched it up in a heartbeat, and that became his Frenchie-fier. Ever since Copper came into our lives, he became my makeshift boyfriend and interim roommate — both pretty big roles to fill, I’d say, and he was perfect at both.
Not long ago, I had a session with sort of a psychic and energy reader and he helped me outline what my inner-self is looking for, so that a relationship would work for me. He identified three things: Existence, Passion (for food actually) and Faith. I wasn’t surprised that Copper had all these qualities I was subconsciously seeking!
Existence – easy. As if a round of snuggles and kisses weren’t enough whenever he greeted me, Copper would always scoot his cute little butt into my hands and signal me with his stare, “It’s massage time.” He’s always made sure I knew I existed for massages and tummy rubs.
Passion for food – that’s a no-brainer! He loved taking me on walks with him around Old Taipa, where he was always welcomed and showered with love and yummy food at the nearby stores! Broiled chicken breast cubes from Honest Pizza, blanched broccoli from Cafe Cheri, bread and egg tarts from local shops…everyone greeted Copper with his favorite foods. He also acquired a taste for sashimi (white fish preferred), wagyu bones from Grill 58, durian and (only) Japanese strawberries…I’m just learning to develop a discerning palate like his.
Faith – somehow he always knew I’d never leave him at the park if he didn’t start walking in the direction I commanded him to, and he would just lie down on the ground and have a staring war with me. He probably knew I would love him more each day anyway.
It took some time for me to get used to not having him and his “pawtner-in-crime” Silver as my most adorable neighbors anymore. Sometimes I still find myself wanting to run home and go to his Tower to get a Copper hug after a stressful day. This little fella has taught me so much about life without having to speak one word to me in human language. I still go to Quarter Square for an occasional coffee on my days off, and I’m happy to see that it has evolved into something of its own that is unique to the new owners, Emily and Marco.
The baker of the duo, Marco, is from Italy, and every night he bakes these wonderful, fluffy citrus cakes and chocolate hazelnut cakes from his family’s recipes, which are just the best match with the coffees. Last I heard, he’s also trying out his Tiramisu and Panna Cotta recipes, so I’ll have to go back and be the judge! This coffee shop will always be a special place for me, just as Copper will forever be a special love of mine. See you in July, my little sweetheart!
Juliana Kung
Local Member of Chaîne des RotisseursDisciples Escoffier InternationalWine Society Macau
Instagram: @julesbites