Grounding, also known as earthing, may just sound like a hippy term to some. Maybe all that comes to mind is a person sitting up straight, crossed legged, closed eyes, facing the sun, and possibly in the middle of the jungle somewhere. Although this could be the scenario, we can surely simplify things.
So what is grounding? Surprisingly, grounding is referred to by many studies as a therapeutic technique to reconnect the conductive human body to the Earth’s natural electric charge. As a result, it can balance the body’s physiology, reduce pain, inflammation, stress, and improve sleep, blood flow, etc. Studies report that such practices improved participants’ moods and reduced pain, making them appear younger and healthier.
Sounds too simple and good right? Have you ever thought about how your body generates Vitamin D by being exposed to the sun? The same way Vitamin D is produced by energy and frequencies generated by the sun (and how far away is the sun?!), we can also absorb energy and frequencies right under our feet. Basically, the surface we step on is affected electrically by lightning strikes, solar radiation, and atmospheric dynamics, and other complex phenomena that give the Earth a natural negative electric charge…which fights against and neutralizes the positive-charged free radicals that our bodies generate from inflammatory factors.
Now, stop and reflect on your daily life. How connected are you to the Earth? When was the last time you had any sort of contact with the Earth? What if you haven’t hit the trails (barefoot) or walked on the beach in the past couple of days/weeks/months? What could this possibly have done to your health? Thanks to so-called civilization, we have lost most (if not all) contact with something that naturally heals us. With our city lifestyles, we are not just becoming disconnected from the Earth, but also generating even more inflammation through our lifestyles and lack of ‘healing’ habits.
No wonder people back in the day could potentially live longer… Have you ever thought that maybe, what we might think of as less privileged – people who didn’t have the comfort of fancy synthetic soled shoes or had to sleep on the ground – was actually a population blessed by being constantly cured and balanced? Of course, this is just one more piece for a healthy life, but potentially the central piece that links it all together.
As I started exploring and incorporating grounding into my life, my mother was reminded of an episode when she was younger in Brazil. Her brother had asthma, and without a lot of resources to rely on, the doctor simply said to their mum: “Let the kid run and play barefoot!” What? Yes, that was it. Simple. So my husband and I (and sometimes my clients when I bring them to the trails) have started incorporating this. The trail was always my go-to whenever I had to cry, sweat, and refresh my mind. Now, in addition, whenever my head hurts, or I’ve got a body injury, nature is the first place I go…and yes, barefoot.
I hope you can read this and quickly change small habits such as simply walking barefoot outdoors on natural conductive surfaces like grass, soil, gravel, stone, or sand. Seems impossible to add such habits? Take a deep breath (or two), and find 20 minutes of your week to do it. With time, the more you do it, the more Earth will attract you to get healed naturally. Another go-to solution is to use leather soled shoes, which will allow the conductivity of energy from the ground to your body. In the next issue, I will share more alternative solutions for us in a busy city and how I’ve personally experienced the advantages while sleeping! Until then, I hope your feet get dirtier.