
Surviving Christmas

It happens every year, and every single year you tell yourself off for getting sucked into all the chaos that can come with celebrating Christmas. Avoid the usual pitfalls by following our tips to navigating Christmas and coming out the other side - still smiling.
It happens every year, and every single year you tell yourself off for getting sucked into all the chaos that can come with celebrating Christmas.   Avoid the usual pitfalls by following our tips to navigating Christmas and coming out the other side – still smiling. 
Don’t come out in the red
Christmas shopping for the entire family can be a financially draining experience and one of the most common complaints about this time of year. There are (fun) ways around this: instead of spending on small gifts for everyone, let each person focus on one gift for one other person instead. Let everyone randomly pick one name out of a hat – they only have to focus on getting a present for the person whose name they picked out. This ensures that everyone gets one meaningful gift and that fortunes are not spent. 
Shake it up 
Doing the same thing year in, year out? Everyone arrives, opens presents, eats the same food, sings the same songs and plays the same games. These are the usual patterns, so try to adjust them a bit to make it more enjoyable.
Create the right atmosphere- for yourself
Good quality scented candles, essential oils, and hot baths – there are many small ways that add up to a soothing mood and environment so use them!


Drink Decaffeinated Coffee
When your body is under stress it produces cortisol, which prepares you for ‘fight or flight’ situations.  Offer everybody decaffeinated coffee and tea or herbal tea alternatives, since this will help keep the stress levels down and has the added bonus that people may still be able to fall asleep after dinner!
If and when it all gets too much, head out
Feeling overwhelmed by the turkey that won’t fit into the oven? Are the Christmas jingles driving you to the edge of a nervous breakdown?  Don’t bottle it up – have some ‘escape plans’ set in place. Go out for a brisk walk while listening to your favourite music or make a phone call to a friend. Just by having a couple of escape routes planned, you’ll probably feel less stressed anyway.  But actually leaving the situation, even just for 10 minutes, will help you clear your mind and relax.
Get in the Christmas spirit
Christmas can be really hard work and stressful, but it can also be a special time if we allow it to be. Take a deep breath and try to get into the spirit of the holiday. Smile, have some jokes ready, and focus on doing nice things for others.  Even if you don’t feel it, often just ‘faking it’ will eventually catch up to you and it will feel real. So, “fake it till you make it”!

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