
A Cozy Home in One Central

Long term Hong Kong resident Jan Beards arrived in Macau about five years ago to run several in-house retail shops for one of the hotel casino operators. With a retail background stretching back to her native UK, from the House of Fraser to the famous pharmacy, health and beauty store Boots, Jan had worked for many years for Duty Free in Hong Kong, and was excited about the prospect of a coming over to Macau. 
“Back in the 80’s, friends and I had many an enjoyable weekend relaxing by the pool at the old Hyatt, exploring the streets and little furniture shops around the Ruins of St. Pauls, indulging in long lunches with chilled bottles of Casal Garcia,” she reminisces.
When it came to looking for accommodation, Jan’s first thoughts were to buy, having already bought a great apartment and gutted and renovated it, in Wan Chai. 
Her love of ‘old world charm’ led her to investigate several properties in Old Taipa Village.  However, with the demands of the job, there was little time to devote to another renovation project, so sense prevailed and she opted to live in the luxurious comforts of One Central!  
She took a 1,300 square feet, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, unfurnished apartment and set about furnishing it with treasures she’d bought over the years in Hong Kong and new finds from here in Macau.
The standard fit out at One Central includes ceiling to floor windows and pale wood floors, so there’s no shortage of light.  This meant that bringing in dark furnishing could work well.  At the entrance stands a tall dark wood wedding cabinet, and as one enters the living room, a stunning Luohan Chinese Bed takes pride of place by the window.  
“I bought this in Hong Kong from Zitan, a company I have dealt with for many years and who are true experts in this type of Chinese antique,” explains Jan.  
Hanging above the bed is an oil painting of Chinese doors that were bought from the weekend markets in Beijing.
“On weekends when I feel like indulging myself, I’ll light some scented candles and have a long hot bath, enjoying the views from my bathroom window that stretch beyond MGM towards the outer harbor.  I’ll then lounge on the Chinese bed reading a good book or watching my favourite sports TV channel!”
Two tall back chairs, one in black lacquer, the other in red, serve as dining chairs.  
“I fell in love with these when I saw them in a closing down sale up near St Paul’s ruins.” 
Jan’s work desk along one wall in the living room is an old school room desk borrowed from a friend. It has two arched indents on one side which is where two children per desk would sit for their lessons.
Table lamps with decorative ceramic bases and a matching set of bedside cabinets in the master bedroom, hand painted with butterflies and floral motifs, were all bought in Macau from little ‘hole in the wall’ shops, now long gone, having been drummed out of the old center of Macau by rising rents. In the living room and master bedroom hang some framed Shanghai posters.  
“I bought these years ago on Hollywood Road in Hong Kong while working on a project to develop souvenirs. These types of poster advertising were very popular for cigarettes, fabrics and soaps.”
An intriguing sculpture of a man’s naked torso sits on the master bedroom window seat.  Bought from Irony Home, a shop in Horizon Plaza, Hong Kong that specializes in unique outdoor furnishings and accessories, its stark white provides a modern, European contrast to the otherwise classic Asian feel of the apartment.
The two black bowler hats perched on top of the dining room cabinet were bought when Jan was visiting Peru.  
“The women still wear them there”, she smiles. “The Moroccan carpet in the living room with its vivid colours brings back memories of a fabulous trip there.  And the Chinese rugs were picked up in Beijing many years ago”.
And has Jan been happy with her decision to call One Central her Macau home?  
“Yes, it’s been perfect for me”, she says. “The building is well managed, I use the swimming pool nearly every day, I’m close to the ferry terminal for my regular trips to Hong Kong, Wynn and the lovely Mandarin Oriental where I meet friends for lunches and Sunday brunch are right next door, and the town centre is within easy walking distance”.

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