InstaCLOSER Photo Contest




To Celebrate Macau CLOSER’s 100th issue and the 8th Anniversary, you are invited to participate in our InstaCLOSER Photo Contest.


InstaCLOSER is a Photo Contest using the popular mobile Photo-sharing App

INSTAGRAM. The contest is open to all people living in Macau.*


Competition Date: from May 15 – June 30, 2015


Prizes include:

  • 1 x iPhone 6 Plus (first prize)

  • 2 x iPad Mini 3 (second and third prizes)


The theme for this Contest is: The number ‘100’.  Contestants should take an INSTAGRAM photo based on this theme.  Be creative and think outside the box!


To submit your work:

STEP 1) Upload your photo to your INSTAGRAM page and;

  1. Follow Macau CLOSER instagram page (macaucloser)

  2. Tag: Macau CLOSER and 3 of your friends (e.g. @macaucloser, @friend1, @friend2, @friend3)

  3. Hashtag your work: #macaucloser , #Instacloser2015 and  #ctm_macau


STEP 2)  

Send an email to: [email protected]

Subject – Macau Closer InstaCLOSER 2015

Include your:

  1. INSTAGRAM photo

  2. Full name

  3. INSTAGRAM profile name

  4. Contact number


*** Please be advised that CLOSER's Facebook page can only display photos from Instagram profiles that are set as "Public". Alternatively, you can send us your photo through email ([email protected]) and we will publish it for you on our Facebook page. ***



  • The winning photos will be chosen through INSTAGRAM according to the highest number of “Likes” on Instagram AND "Votes" on Facebook, until July 1, 2015 at 5:PM (Macau time)

  • The selected works will be shown at Macau Design Centre on July 17, on the night of the Macau CLOSER Anniversary Party and published in Macau CLOSER’s August 2015 issue.



  • 1 x iPhone 6 Plus (first prize)

  • 2 x iPad Mini 3 (second and third prizes)


*Competition winners will be required to provide proof that they live in Macau. Winners must be available to collect their prizes in person at the Macau CLOSER Anniversary Party on July 17.


/ Travessa do Bispo, n.º 1C, 6 Floor, Macau,

/ [email protected]




Living and Arts Magazine