
Walking with People Against Poverty

Living amidst the glittering neon lights and strong economic development in Macau, poverty is not an issue that many of us probably spend much time thinking about. Yet around the world, one person in every three is living in poverty. Oxfam is determined to change this by mobilizing the power of people against poverty, and is once again giving Macau people a chance to contribute to their mission. On February 28, Oxfam will hold its second annual Walkathon in Macau, at the new campus of the University of Macau.
Last year over 300 supporters joined the event, helping to raise funds to help poor people, and this year the organizers are hoping that even more people will join in for this good cause. Oxfam will arrange shuttle buses on the day to take people to the starting point, and participants will have to complete the 1.5km trail in around 2 hours.  At the finish point, there will have booths to let people know about the group’s poverty alleviation works and the importance of helping poor people.
People can participate in the Open Individual category (minimum donation MOP200) or in the Open Team category for teams of three people or more (minimum donation MOP150 per person).  All participants will receive a certificate and there will also be a Highest Fundraising Prize (Individual / Team / Corporate Sponsor Team); Most Participants Prize; and Most Sponsors Prize.
Around the globe, Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. The organization works with local people, especially marginalized women and ethnic minorities, to develop sustainable livelihoods, to cope with and prepare for disaster, and to make positive changes in their own lives.  They also cooperate with partner organizations and alongside vulnerable women and men to end the injustices that cause poverty, campaigning strongly so that the voices of the poor influence the local and global decisions that affect them. 
活動日期 Date:   28.2.2016 (星期日Sunday) 
時間 Time:  10:00 – 13:30
地點 Venue:  澳門大學(橫琴校區) University of Macau (Hengqin campus)
報名及詳情 Join now: www.oxfam.org.hk/walkathonmacau
截止報名日期 Enrollment Deadline: 18.2.2016 (星期四 Thursday)
贊助及報名查詢 Enquiry for sponsorship and enrollment: Ms Crystal Chan   電話 Tel: (853) 2875 7590   電郵 Email: [email protected]

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