
Macau’s New Political Boss

Chan Meng Kam, Si Ka Lon and Song Pek Kei are the United Citizens Association of Macau candidates with seats in the Legislative Assembly for the next four years. Chan’s list managed to get 26,390 votes from the 151,881 voters who went to the polls last month, in an election with the lowest turnout since the handover: just 55.02 percent. 
A businessman and head of the Golden Dragon group, Fujian-born Chan Meng Kam has a strong connection to that community in Macau, and achieved an historic win securing three of the 14 mandates to the Assembly. 
Mak Soi Kun, from the Macau-Guangdong Union, succeeded in getting his number two, Zheng Anting elected, amassing a total of 16,251 votes. 
Iong Ho San, Fong Kai representative and heading the list of the Union for Promoting Progress, and José Pereira Coutinho of New Hope, were the other names to emerge, guaranteeing their respective number two’s entry into the Assembly.
A tough guy with a soft heart
Chan Meng Kam moved to Macau at the age of 17, back in the 1980s. His first job was making wicker chairs for a monthly salary of MOP9. Like many other migrants from Fujian in search of a better life, he also had a tough childhood. Today he is president of the Golden Dragon group, with business dealings in the gaming and hotel sector, and owner of City University of Macau. He is said to be “very grateful” for everything he has achieved and has a “strong connection” to Macau.
Chan recounts that following his work making wicker chairs, he worked as a blacksmith for an improved monthly salary of MOP14. 
“But the boss provided lunch and therefore discounted MOP2 from my salary”, he remembers. 
The legislator assures that this is not the reason behind the decision to print “Iron Man, Soft Heart” on the snacks distributed during the electoral campaign. Rather, “it [the nickname] is the reward from the citizens for what I have done for them”, he explains.
Chan says people call him “Iron Man” for his efforts in defending the rights of ordinary citizens, without fearing government leaders or other powers. “Soft Heart” is for his willingness to help, he claims. 
“From the bottom of my heart, I’m always available to help people. During my 33 years in Macau, I’ve helped countless people resolve their difficulties.”
In the 1990s Chan “never dreamed of becoming a legislator”. 
“Thus, helping the disabled, the elderly and also orphans wasn’t done with a deliberate intention of being elected,” he explains. 
Chan became a legislator in 2005, and now with a third term and a convincing electoral victory, he wants to continue working hard.
Celebrating with hard work
Chan and his team celebrated the election victory in the streets. In response to the question of whether he might one day come to lead the region, Chan told the media, “I have never thought about being Chief Executive” .
The legislator gave “great credit to colleagues and volunteers” for his winning campaign. “I’m happy with the result (…). Working hard and for the people will be our celebration. We must work hard to repay the voters”, he said.
The question of universal suffrage was an issue for some legislative candidates’ platforms this year, but not for Chan Meng Kam’s. Without fully clarifying his position on the matter, he spoke of “a process of democratic development that needs social consensus and to meet the reality of Macau”.
If there’s one thing the legislator knows about, it’s the reality of the territory. Chan is known as a man of the people who likes contact with the public on the street. On average, Macau’s new political boss works ten hours a day, starting at seven in the morning. 
“Usually I read the newspapers and listen to the radio from 8am to 10.30am. After that I go to the streets and talk to the residents if I can (…). Despite being a little tiring, it makes me very happy.”

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