Sparkling Life

Many of us can probably remember the time when Champagne or any other sparkling wine was really only associated with a New Year’s Eve countdown or, at best, some special occasion celebrated by a more eccentric friend. It was actually not long ago that Champagne was, for most people, that kind of drink to enjoy just once or twice a year, without having any particular concern or interest about its attributes or other nuances. Well, we’re probably not telling you anything new, but those times are definitely gone.
Either in Macau, other Asian cities or in Europe, Champagne is moving from feast occasions and ballrooms to all the trendy cocktail bars, esplanades and clubs, sunset after sunset, night after night.
In our city, sparkling wines and oysters (or other seafood) is becoming a trend at almost any suitable venue. From China Rouge to Club Cubic or Bellini, from the outdoors bars in Nape to Sky21, Vida Rica or Bar Cristal, from buffet restaurants such as Rossio, Mistral, Temptations or Cafe Bela Vista to private dining rooms, the stylish flutes and the bubbling nectar are basically everywhere.
When one looks at statistics on how much Champagne the China market is absorbing, the numbers can still seem low – with the possible exception of Hong Kong, where they’re drinking it like water.  But if we think of what happened with table wines a few years ago (and is still happening now), we can expect Chinese consumers to adopt sparkling wines as one of their favorite drinks very shortly.
Perfectly paired with some of the best food menus in a city where good restaurants keep on popping out – like The Seasons, featured in this issue of CLOSER – Champagne has all the glamour, and also the qualities, to win over Macau, especially amongst young adults.
Summer is coming and next month we’ll help you to find out how to enjoy it around town. But for now, prepare a bucket of ice and try a nice bottle of Champagne (or a Champagne cocktail). If the weather allows it, soon you can be doing it by the pool, having a taste of the good and sparkling life.





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