The right to create

Many men and women have given their lives in many countries and regions so people can express their views, protest for their rights, speak freely and create with no other barriers than the ones imposed by a trustable and well established legal system.
Having said this, it is impossible not to start this issue of CLOSER by remembering the brutal events that happened in Paris early this month. Two men armed with rifles entered the Charlie Hebdo newsroom and killed 12 people. They killed them because Charlie Hebdo is a satirical publication known for pushing the boundaries of humor on the most sensitive topics, from religion to politics. They killed them because they can’t understand that terror is not the way to express your disagreement with something or someone. They killed them because they believe fear can overcome freedom. They are wrong.
CLOSER hereby salutes all our fellow journalists, cartoonists and illustrators out there and sends its condolences to the victims of this attack. To keep on doing what we’ve been doing the best way we know how, is the only possible answer to such a barbarous act.
In this first issue of 2015, we devote our cover story to the third and final installment of the Macau Stories film series, produced by CUT Association and this time with the theme of ‘City Maze’. Cinema, as with cartoons and illustrations, is a powerful medium for looking at and reflecting on what surrounds us. Three local directors – António Caetano Faria, Doug Kin-tak Chan, and Koi-wang Chao – tell their stories, provide important contributions to the development of Macau’s film industry and exercise their right to create. 
It’s good to see CUT Association and its president, Albert Chu, back in the spotlight. CUT has a lot of potential to be a key player on Macau’s film landscape. They need to, and should do, more. We all do, because we have sufficient means, a wealth of good ideas and above all, a fair amount of freedom to express ourselves. 
Let’s not take it for granted. Let’s cherish it, protect it and enjoy it.







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