Framing reality

For many teenagers or young adults, the moment they know they'll have to wear eyeglasses is usually not a happy one. For me it was no different.
I was told I had stigmatism and I should wear glasses to read, drive, work on my laptop, watch TV and a few other activities. I went to a shop and got a pair of glasses, my first reading glasses.
All those years ago, I must admit I wasn't very interested in seeing different styles, I just wanted to get it done and use them as little as possible. Now, a decade later, not only am I at peace with my ‘four-eyes’ condition, I even enjoy stopping by eyewear shops and thinking about which style will I buy next, when my eyes are in need of new lenses and my tastes seek this or that exquisite frame.
Asia is a place where trends spread like no other, and Macau is a good example. The number of young women and men using eyeglasses (or what appear to be eyeglasses) has become huge in the past few years. Large, round, black or colourful frames are everywhere, with all the variations one can imagine.
In this issue of CLOSER we visit some the most exclusive eyewear shops in Macau, talk to specialists, take a look at a hand-made glasses business in Hong Kong and highlight some of our favourite styles for different purposes.
Yes, I know I haven't said much about sunglasses but I'll just explain: I can't live without them, even if I have a strange tendency to break or lose them. At the moment, my sunglasses are quite different from what I was using before. Have you watched Luc Besson’s Leon, le professionnel? If you haven’t, just Google it and find out. Don't blame me if you dislike them. After all it’s just a matter of personal taste, like many other things in life.
Glasses help us to see images more clearly and in this issue of CLOSER there’s a great deal on image-related stories, from an interview with World Press Photo winner John Stanmeyer, to Sundance Film Festival hitting Hong Kong with some great independent movies. And to finish, we’re also publishing a photo-gallery from the recent large-scale public demonstrations in our neighbouring SAR. 
With or without glasses, reading reality continues to become more challenging and complex. Let’s peacefully keep on trying our best.





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