Celia Lao is currently the CEO of Hong Kong & Macau for AirAsia, a travel and financial platform company in Asia Pacific, providing air transport, travel and lifestyle services, as well as financial services. Known as “the iron fist in the velvet glove”, she has overcome many challenges with resilience and determination in the male-domi- nated aviation industry in Greater China over the last 20 years, and has successfully moved up from being an airport officer to now a Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In doing so, she received Hong Kong’s "Outstanding Woman Leader" award in 2019. A mother of three and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, Celia has also been actively involved in social activities through her participation in various associ- ations. She is the Vice Chairman of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Airline Association, Executive Director of the Women’s Association, Honorable Chairman of the Youth Professional Associa- tion and Executive member of Asia CEO Community, to name a few.
What’s your idea of a perfect day?
A day you can spend under your full control. A perfect day for me means work/life balance. I love to spend quality time with my loved ones, while achieving all the goals set for the day for both personal and corporate/work.
If you could go back in time to any event in history, what would it be?
There is a famous phrase in Chinese: living in the moment尸尸尸尸尸尸, so I have learned to appreciate each moment since I was young. There are so many precious moments and unforgettable events that happen in our lives from time to time, we need to capture and get the most out of them without regret.
What are your favourite books and films?
I love reading a wide range of books, from novels, biographies to man- agement books. I would like to recommend two biographies, Flying High by AirAsia’s Group CEO, Tony Fernandes, and Becoming by Mi- chelle Obama. These two books are inspiring, and should be read by every generation to know that everything is possible. We all have a chance to create our own story if we put our minds to it.
And your favorite singer/ band?
I love all the songs by Celine Dion and Sally Yeh.
Who are your heroes?
My husband, who has been rendering full support and freedom for me to develop my career.
What can always cheer you up when you are having a bad day?
My family, who are the biggest supporters in my life.
What’s your worst habit?
I am a perfectionist, which unconsciously transfers pressure on to people around me, as I always aim to strive to do the best in every task.
If you could retire tomorrow what would you do?
Inspired by all the world’s grandma-graded yoga lovers/teachers, I have locked my eye on yoga. There are so many famous yoga lovers/ teachers in the world who are still practicing/teaching yoga in their late 90s, like Connie Denniso (100 years old from Scotland), Indra Devi (102 years old Russia) and Tao Porchon-Lynch (99 years old from the U.S.A) and so on. They have not only led healthy and long lives, but also continue to practice and even teach until it is no longer phys- ically possible.
What’s your favourite season or festival?
Chinese New Year, the most important and biggest festival in Chinese culture. It’s the time of the year when family members and friends put aside their work and organize reunions/gatherings with relatives and friends even from around the globe.
What’s your favourite place in Macau?
My home, a place with love, comfort, and full of great memories with my loved ones.
And a holiday destination?
I would have to say Italy, which is full of culture and heritage, history, art, music, 尸fashion, food, wine and so on, there are so many things to see, feel, and enjoy there. You never get bored. The people and culture are different by region or even between cities in the same region. I love to walk and explore the cities, especially Rome, Florence, and Venice. I admire the beauty of a mix of modern and ancient in all cities.