

司徒子竣 James Sitou

I started TOGATHER in 2018, and we focused on helping SMEs and business to build successful marketing campaigns online. In 2019, we became the first marketing company in Macau to successfully use a subscription model and we helped many SMEs to use a subscription-based model to create content. I’m very familiar with producing content because I am a content person, not really an IT or tech person.

Now I also create weekly online content, as well as managing events and providing consultancy services for online content, branding and marketing. In 2022, we organized LOHAS Weekend, a 3-day carnival featuring over 70 exhibitors providing products, workshops and performances related to “Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability”. 

In the beginning I had around 17 employees. In Macau as a start-up company, it was quite challenging to manage so many people and to handle the business costs.  Now, because of AI, I only have one employee, but the efficiency is still the same.

Before, if I wanted to create a new project, like an event or a marketing campaign, I would need to train my colleagues how to do it step-by-step, and then it might take another three months to make it happen. Even just writing a proposal could take three to four days. 

Now I just need an app, pay a few dollars for the monthly subscription plan, and I can do it all. Not only the administration part of the business, but even the creative stuff. For example, content creation, writing scripts and titles, everything that I post on social media. First of all, I can write some of my thoughts and I give it to a chatbot like ChatGPT or Plaud, and it gives me an instantly improved version of it. This has really changed the efficiency and the productivity of the company.

Also, when it comes to writing proposals for tenders. I’ve been writing these by myself for many years, and previously I would have to pay for professional translations and copyediting. But now I can do it instantly. And you have generative AI tools for photos and video editing.  That’s why I think AI is irresistible and it will not stop. 

I’m using Chatbots and Gamma, a generative AI that helps you to create professional presentations. I use this to help me create the draft PowerPoint and then I send it to my designer to improve it. You still need some human interaction at the very end of the process, but you can eliminate two to three steps in the middle and the cost is so much lower. 

I also do a media page called ‘Together Story’ which has around 30k followers on Instagram. Every week I create video content called ‘90 Second Brand Story’. I find a lot of brands in the world, and I talk about why they are successful. I use AI to help me do the research and write the script.  And I use Heygen to help me make the video. For example, I put two cameras in my office and then I send the whole file to Heygen and it can produce and edit 10 to 15 short clips. So I don’t need anyone to help me.  It’s really a game-changing concept. 


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