Macau Architecture Promenade promises to transform the territory into a citywide celebration of this creative industry

The Macau Architecture Promenade (MAP) is a month long, citywide celebration of architecture, the city and public spaces, organized by BABEL, a nonprofit cultural organization whose mission is to generate learning opportunities in the fields of contemporary art, architecture and the environment. MAP celebrates urban culture, experimentation, and innovative practices in order to inspire new ways of thinking about the city.
The event will take place in October, the International Month of Architecture, presenting a program of exhibitions, talks, films, workshops, visits, and art interventions in public spaces. Learning opportunities in the fields of architecture and art for children, teens, families and adults will also fill the month.
MAP highlights the key role that architecture and art plays in cultural, urban and social development. Its key question is simple: What role does architecture and art play in shaping a better city, better lives and better future?

Cie. Willi Dorner
In Macau, Vienna based Cie. Willi Dorner will conduct a workshop involving 25 local dancers, which will end up as a public performance in the city centre. The choreographer will work with a group of local dancers and acrobats to build up a show that will take place in different architectural spots linked by a walk. The intention is to point out the urban functional structure and to uncover the restricted movement possibilities and behaviour as well as rules and limitations.

playLAND is a set of three bouncy and colourful spatial interventions geared for children in the public space of Macau, that make a human scale lego out of beach buoys. Removed from their usual seaside context, the beach buoys serve as the modular construction element, allowing the creation of a light and colourful world built with objects belonging to another place. Structured by vertical and horizontal associations of beach buoys, the installation seeks to create fun rest areas, sometimes protected from the sun, where people can take a rest or read a story.

MAP pavilion is the result of a worldwide open call for artists. From more than 50 proposals from all over the world, BABEL selected the large-scale architectural pavilion by João Ó and Rita Machado. This temporary bamboo structure attempts to address the enactment between the citizens and the urban landscape. Entitled Treeplets, it mimics the rarity of identical triplets in the form of three random trees whose canopies are joined together, enabling the structural solidity of the whole installation.