Based on the iconic characters created by legendary cartoonist Charles Addams, THE ADDAMS FAMILY is the smash-hit new musical comedy that is delighting audiences everywhere. Adorable, sweet, charming, humorous, enchanting, tender and captivating are all words that have been used to describe this production, as well as the creator himself, the extraordinary artist Charles Addams.
His rare gift was the ability to enjoin such dichotomies in wonderfully crafted cartoons and drawings loved by millions worldwide.
Charles Addams’ iconic Family began as a single-panel cartoon first appearing in The New Yorker magazine in 1938. Over 70 years later, The Addams Family still thrives as a pop culture phenomenon, with characters appearing in commercials, merchandise, movies, television, and now the Broadway musical.
After starting on Broadway in March 2010, this hilarious production immediately became one of Broadway’s biggest hits, regularly grossing over US$1 million per week and going on to play over 750 performances.
Bizarre, devilish, ghoulish, demonic, depraved, bizarre, eerie, and weird, this time the Addams family come to life through the hands of a Tony Award-winning team. So expect unusual adventures of the darkest nature and to be very amused with the latest goings on of the Addams clan, as they embark on their first Asian Tour, after smashing runs on Broadway and across North America, performing for hundreds of thousands.
Set in modern day Central Park, New York, the famous and scary bunch of characters are faced with a situation which can be described as “every father’s nightmare”. Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, is all grown up and ready to marry, having fallen in love with a smart young man from a respectable, ‘normal’ family, and asks her father to keep it a secret from her mother. However, things take an unexpected twist when the boyfriend’s parents are invited for dinner. The would-be mother-in-law drinks from a mysterious chalice intended for Wednesday, and reveals secrets and the gruesome truth that threatens to unravel both families.
The unforgettable first chords and finger snapping will immediately bring back a sound score that has been in our collective memory for many decades now. Originally created for a 1964 cartoon series and later brought to the screens through a TV series, the famous family members are all here: the beautiful Morticia, debonair Gomez, crazy Uncle Fester, dotty Grandma, handy Thing, shaggy Cousin It and loyal butler Lurch.
Characters who became even more popular when the blockbuster film was released in the 1990s.
The pacing is quick and it dares audiences to not be entertained, because once you have entered the Addams’ strange yet beautiful world, you will not want to leave until the last hilarious gag!
08/23 Friday – 8pm
08/24 Saturday – 8pm
08/25 sunday – 3pm
08/27 Tuesday – 8pm
08/31 saturday – 8pm
09/01 Sunday – 3pm
09/03 Tuesday – 8pm
09/05 Thursday – 8pm
Macau Cultural Centre, Grand Auditorium
Tickets: $480, 250, 250*, 150*
Tickets available at Macao Cultural Centre and Kong Seng Outlets
Credit Card Ticketing Hotline Macau: (853) 2840 0555 Hong Kong: (852) 2380 5083 China: (86) 139 2691 1111
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