“2020 ARTFEM Women Artists International Biennial of Macau” (ARTFEM 2020) will kick off on October 9th (Friday) at 6:30 pm at Orient Foundation. The event is organized by Albergue SCM, mainly sponsored by Macau Foundation and sponsored by Orient Foundation.
ARTFEM 2020, curated by Carlos Marreiros, Alice Kok, Angela Li Zhenxiang, James Chu and Leonor Veiga, will showcase the recent works created by 98 artists. Over 140 works will be exhibited in 4 separate venues, including Albergue SCM, Former Municipal Cattle Stable, Galeria Lisboa and Orient Foundation.
ARTFEM 2020 (Orient Foundation) will kick off on October 9th (Friday), exhibiting works from Meng Jiabao (China), Isabel Nunes (Portugal), Wong Si Teng (Macau), Sara Nuyteman (Belgium), Dawn Alane-Kelmenson (The United States of America), Fernanda Lago (Brazil) etc. For more information about the exhibition, please visit: http://artfem.org/.
The exhibition period is October 9th to December 13th 2020. For more information, please call 2852 2550 or 2852 3205, email at [email protected] or visit website https://www.facebook.com/AlbergueSCMMacau/ and http://artfem.org/.
“2020 ARTFEM Women Artists International Biennial of Macau” at Orient Foundation
Opening Ceremony: 09/10/2020 (Friday) at 6:30 p.m.
Duration of the Exhibition: 09/10/2020 – 13/12/2020
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00am to 07:00pm, Closed on Monday
Exhibition Venue:
Orient Foundation, Praça Luís de Camões No.13, Macau SAR
Tel: (853) 2852 2550 | (853) 2852 3205
Fax: (853) 2852 2719
E-mail:[email protected]
Info: https://artfem.org/
Free Admission